Proxies Authorization Username/password Authentication Or IP Authentication Which One is Secure?

Private proxies are a way to secure your safety and anonymity on the web. However, they're also not bullet-proof to security issues. Even though you bought a private proxy, you need to protect it to make sure that you are the only one using it. This is why you should make sure to find a private proxy provider that offers an authentication system for its proxies.
Two most common ways of proxy authentication are:
Username and Password Authentication
IP Authentication
While they both increase your security, the jury is still out on which method is better. Both systems have their pros and cons, which is why we compared them and tried to help you determine the perfect system for your needs.
Username and Password Authentication
This is the most frequently used authentication method around the web. We use username and password for various account types, including e-mail, social media and bank accounts. Internet users across the globe accepted this method as a good way of authorizing access to their accounts, so it doesn't come as a surprise that they are also commonly used when it comes to proxies.
Once you purchase a proxy from a provider, they will send you a list of IP addresses that will look something like this:
Let's break it down to make it clear:
"456.7.890" - the IP address of your private proxy
"80" - the port number of your proxy. Other common port numbers include 3127, 3128 and 8080
"username" - your username
"password" - your password. When you choose a password, make sure to make it as strong as possible. A good way to strengthen your password is to use both lowercase and uppercase letters and add numbers and symbols
The list of IP addresses will be different for each proxy you purchased, but other data is often the same. This simplifies the process as you can use the same username and password to connect to all proxies that you bought.
If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: proxy911

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